
  • Price on consultation

Fat Dissolving Injections

  • Looking for a solution as soon as possible to get rid of belly and hip fat without any incisions and no recovery time? Developed for the non-surgical reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue, fat dissolving solution is injectable, which dissolves fat and is biocompatable and biodegradable. it works by causing the dissolution of fat cells, the body then expels the released fatty acids.
  • Fat dissolving injectable solution is an exciting new treatment and helps to target localised areas of fat, which are all too often resilient to diet and exercise.
  • Fat dissolving treatment gets rid of stubborn fat for good in as few as 3-8 sessions.
  • What is fat dissolving.
    • Fat dissolving is a non-surgical solution to minimise and remove stubborn localised pockets of fat. It is ideal for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have pockets of fat that will not shift, even with focused exercise.
    • Destroying the fat cells is a long-term solution provided you retain a stable weight, eat healthily and continue to exercise as usual. Fat dissolving leads to a permanent reduction of fatty tissue, once removed fat cells will not reappear.
  • What areas of the body can be treated.
    • Folds on the back(below the ribs).
    • Belly.
    • Loin.
    • Outer buttocks region.
    • The inner side of the thighs.
    • The inner side of the knee.
    • Double chin/jaw contouring.
  • Are there any side effects of fat dissolving.
    • Side effects include swelling, and there is always a possibility of infection, there can be some bruising as well and pain and or discomfort. The pain and discomfort usually last up to a week or so and then generally it settles down.
    • Who should avoid fat dissolving treatment.
    • Diabetic patients.
    • Clients with autoimmune conditions such as scleroderma.
    • Clients with severe liver disease, as the extra fat the liver would have to process could over work the liver.
    • Any client with a history of an allergic reaction to an ingredient of the fat dissolving solution.
    • Clients with acute or chronic skin diseases in the area to be treated, or with infection in the skin overlying the area to be treated.
    • Clients on blood thinning medication, in particularly warfarin, this is due to the risk of severe bruising.
    • Clients with severe kidney disease.
  • Aftercare.
    • Drink plenty of water(minimum 2 litres).
    • Follow a low-fat diet for the period between your fat dissolving treatments and your follow-up appointment. This is because you do not want to cause additional stress to your liver by having to cope with processing two sources of fat.
    • Avoid exercise on the day of the treatment, resume gentle exercise as and when you feel ready. You may not feel ready for strenuous execise for the first week as you may feel tender.
    • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication as this will dampen your body's response to the fat dissolving injection and mean that you do not respond to the treatment as well as you would of otherwise done.
    • Avoid exposure to extreme temperature(Saunas, steam rooms and sunbathing) for a week after treatment.
    • Keep pinching the treated area to continue stimulating it. This will improve the body's response to the fat dissolving solution.