Release the beauty that exists within your nature...

What is Mesotherapy?

This treatment comes in the form of an injection, which delivers essential components into the skin, from vitamins and minerals to hyaluronic acid. The injection targets the ‘mesodermal’ layer of tissue, just under the skin, and can help to restore plumpness and vitality to problems areas like the eyes and the neck. Mesotherapy can be used to treat a variety of other pesky skin conditions – not just the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles. It can be used to target the under eye area (where many people suffer from eye bags), as well as stretchmarks, skin pigmentation, psoriasis and even hair thinning in some cases.

What is Mesopeel?

Mesopeel is a professional chemical peeling system based on organic acids, aimed at rejuvenating skin and making it glowing, bright and soft. Organic acids or Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are ideal to: Normalise the keratinisation process restoring the epidermis to normal.Activate the skins rejuvenation process increasing collagen and elastin in the skin.Hydrate the skin. Enhance the action of other active components in the skin.

All clients have lots of questions about the procedure. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers.


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How long does Mesotherapy take?

A session of mesotherapy usually takes between 30-60 minutes, depending on how large your target areas are. Because the treatment involves needles, there’s also the option of local anaesthetic applied 30 minutes beforehand to reduce discomfort.

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How is Mesotherapy treatment applied?

Using extremely fine needles, multiple micro-injections are administered just under the surface of the skin, aiming to replace some of the vital components we lose as we age, including hyaluronic acid and collagen. Depending on the issue you’re trying to target (whether it’s skin pigmentation, the signs of ageing or something else), you’ll be injected with a carefully selected combination of ingredients that will help address the problem.

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How many treatments will I need?

It’s recommended that a number of mesotherapy sessions are carried out within a few weeks of each other, to ensure the very best possible results. The treatment is suitable for all skin types, even those with sensitive skin, and the downtime after a treatment is minimal.

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Mesotherapy and Mesopeels are ideal to treat:?

Fine Lines and wrinkles Uneven pigmentation Blackheads Chronic dry skin Acne breakouts

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What can I expect during the Mesopeel treatment?

Most clients will feel a prickly, stinging or itching sensation. However, depending on your skins own sensitivity you may experience no irritation at all.

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What can i expect in the days following treatment

The side effects after the treatment can range from mild flaking of the skin and/or mild redness. Sun protection is strongly recommended after treatment. Treatment should not be carried out in summer months.


  • Mesotherapy and Mesopeel treatments: Contact Nicky for price